Usually you don’t have to worry too much, especially if the distribution of the data is vaguely symmetric. But here we are interested in situations where we do need to worry.
In 1882 Michelson and Morley measured the speed of light by timing a flash of light travelling between mirrors.
(reported here in km/s - 299,000)
p = 0.001
Instead of using the sample mean \(\bar{x}\) use the t statistic \(\frac{\bar{x} - 792.5}{\hat{\textrm{se}}}\)
Then proceed as before
Instead of using the sample mean \(\bar{x}\) use the t statistic \(\frac{\bar{x} - 792.5}{\hat{\textrm{se}}}\)
Then proceed as before
p = 0.001
Many options, pick the one that’s right for you
for mixed models